Mindfulness for Teens
The Art of Strong Silence
Strong Silence is simply the practice of a purposeful period of 2-3 minutes of quiet. It is a preparation for the day ahead, the tasks or tests ahead and for just giving yourself space throughout the day.
In my experience as a Mindfulness teacher and a parent I am more aware of the growing levels of stress and anxiety within the adolescent population currently. Whether this is due to external pressures such as the educational systems, employment prospects, or family and peers, or a result of the many internal fears and doubts that build up as we grow, it is hard to pinpoint which exactly is the biggest factor. What I see is pressure: to be whatever the current media obsession demands, to be constantly visible via social media, to continue the upwards trends of exam results, to get into the right university, to follow the plan.
Some would say that the plan hasn’t changed except for the means by which we operate, and that pressure is part of it all. What has changed in my opinion is that we live in a media saturated world with a constant stream of news and information most of which feeds into our fears: there is no need to name them but they are the same for all of us.
How do we give ourselves a break from all of this noise, from the pressure? By more technology, by exercising towards ever greater challenges, by doing. What we have lost is the ability just to sit, to not have to look at our phone or tablet or TV, but to be with all of our own personal noise: our very own thoughts, feelings and senses. To get to know ourselves as we are, in any moment.
Mindfulness and Strong Silence will provide you with a life skill that will help you:
- To feel happier, calmer and more fulfilled
- To improve relationships and relationship building
- To improve learning and concentration
- To help deal with stress and anxiety
- To perform better in music, sport and other activities that matter to you.
In the ground-breaking book Get out of your Mind and into your Life for Teens by Giarocchi, Hayes and Bailey they introduce the idea of Mindful Warriors.
Mindful warriors are BOLD. This is an acronym used in the book to describe the skills required to help young people deal with their emotions and stay committed to the kind of life they want to create.
- B – Breathing deeply and slowing down.
- O – Observing.
- L – Listening to your values.
- D – Deciding on actions and doing them.
Like with adults, meditation for teenagers takes regular practice and the course is designed to guide each participant slowly, cultivating not just a personal practice but a more mindful approach to life.
Strong Silence takes as little as 10 breaths to experience: stop reading now and just notice your next 10 breaths. You may not be achieving anything in these 30 seconds or so but for these moments you are less likely to be thinking, worrying, planning and more likely to have had a small break from the tyranny and storm that we are.
If you would like to experience more of these breaks, if you feel that your child could do with more moments of calmness, and BOLD-ness then please get in touch.
Strong Silence is a Mindfulness based programme designed specifically for the education sector: for pupils, students and teachers.
It differs from other mindfulness in education programmes in that it requires only a few hours of instruction and is therefore far more cost effective for any school or individual.
Strong Silence does not teach mindfulness based practices as in the 8 or 9 week programmes but instead provides and strong foundation of brief meditative interventions and the reasonings behind it.
I have taught Strong Silence to various schools in South Africa as well as to many individuals in my private practice.
Strong Silence is not an alternative to learning Mindfulness but it is certainly far more accessible and more economic both in financial and time terms than the full 8 week courses.
How it works for Schools
Strong Silence is taught to teachers over a 2 hour period. This is divided between practices and instruction, and by the end of the course each person will be able to lead their classes in the practices and know why.
The cost is dependent on the numbers attending the training.
All enquiries and request for information to breathe@mind-wise.co.uk
How it Works for Individuals
The Art of Strong Silence courses is also taught 1 to 1 or to small groups, and run over five 45 minute sessions.
1-1: £240
Group: £100 (min of 4 per class)
For all enquiries about Art of Strong Silence please email me at breathe@mind-wise.co.uk